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Sunset on Solar Panels

Solar-Powered Ventilation With Controlled Airflow For Parked Cars


With Summer temperatures reaching record highs and average temperatures rising globally, the need to manage heat in our transportation is both a comfort and safety issue. Within an hour, a car in 95 °F weather can reach temperatures of up to 138 °F [1], which is unsafe for human life and potentially damaging to items in the vehicle.

Intended for use in vehicles frequently parked in high-temperature, unshaded environments, the Solar Powered Ventilator is a device that makes use of vent shade mounts, solar power, an MCU, sensors, and a program for optimized airflow to keep the interior of the vehicle at as close to the outside ambient air temperature as possible.

To ensure potential cooling is maximized, temperature sensors will be placed within the vent shade of each window to compare the relative temperature difference between various sides of the car. This is done so that the coolest air is brought in from outside of the vehicle and allows for more effective heat transfer as it is brought across the car. This will run constantly throughout the day and change the airflow at any given time to provide a consistent stream of optimized airflow through the vehicle thus removing or displacing the greatest amount of heat.

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