Group members met on the weekend of 1/7/2023 to discuss work done over break. We tested the current iteration of the Thermistor code written by Ian which appeared to work. However he brought up concerns after having determined electrical isolation would be needed for the Thermistors to prevent issues with pins on the Pico. The use of optocouplers discussed and later proven viable as a means of isolation.
Members discussed simplification of battery level monitoring circuit due to the high number of resistors in the initial design, determined that current draw is a non-issue due to presence of 1MOhm in Pico ADC which is wired in parallel, though reducing current is still advisable to lower power draw.
Tested relay functionality based on current iteration of code, determined that current draw from relay would be too high to power all necessary relays off of the Pico 3V3 pin and an alternate means of powering the relay with a 3.3V VCC signal would be needed.